viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010


a work in progress... as part of the SC Mania everyone is suffering these days.

It is built in Maya 2011

Almost got every detail.. missing the cables, and back engines. Hope you like it.

I'll be posting some more later!

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010


"... it takes, on average, 10,000 hours of practice and study for anyone to become truly proficient at something."

Malcolm Gladwell

How many hours you give to that which makes u happy???

makes me wonder.

The Flash

One of my firsts works in modelling humans, even if cartoon stylized... pretty hard to achieve actually working in it's rigg.

Fender Strat

just tried to model a guitar


Latin for 'Quest for the Best' two wolves and a cauldron as requested by my father, memory from his Jr Highschool

Hovering Engines

part of the animation for the Podracer

Use the force Luke...

Luke's lightsaber from the Return of the jedi, got the blade too, but didn't quite liked how it rendered...